What Are We Hiding? - The Loud Silence on the Racialized Experiences of Indigenous, Brown, and Black Female Athletes in Aotearoa New Zealand

Nakhid, Camille
Enari, Dion
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Journal Article
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Informa UK Limited

The recent global attention on the racism experienced by athletes has seen a number of sporting codes come under scrutiny in their respective countries and worldwide. In the colonized countries of Aotearoa New Zealand, and the land known as Australia, much of these racist behaviours have targeted Indigenous, Brown, and Black male athletes and have come from spectators, sports commentators, and the public, primarily on mainstream and social media. Much less is known about the racialized experiences of Indigenous, Brown, and Black female athletes at the systemic and institutional levels in the social institution of sport. This paper argues that the lack of attention to, and information about the presence of racism in the lives of these sportswomen are insufficient to conclude that racism does not exist for these athletes. This paper calls for research in this area.

1106 Human Movement and Sports Sciences , 1504 Commercial Services , 1608 Sociology , Sport, Leisure & Tourism , 4207 Sports science and exercise , 4702 Cultural studies
Sport in Society, ISSN: 1743-0437 (Print); 1743-0445 (Online), Informa UK Limited, 1-9. doi: 10.1080/17430437.2024.2363892
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