Expanding sales and operations planning using sentiment analysis: demand and sales clarity from social media

Wood, LC
Reiners, T
Srivastava, HS
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Conference Contribution
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Australia New Zealand Academy of Management (ANZAM)

We outline the use of sentiment analysis as a tool for demand planning in sales and operations planning (S&OP). First, we explain how S&OP functions and the reliance on cooperation or collaboration with other firms to gain information. We introduce sentiment analysis and show its value in determining marketplace-changes which feed into supply chains. We show how sentiment analysis supports data acquisition independent of other firms in the supply chain; incorporated into S&OP, these data can support preparation for changing requirements. While demonstrated in marketing, this concept remains unproven in supply chain research. We believe this is the first assertion and examination of how sentiment analysis can support effective S&OP but further empirical research is required to validate this concept.

Supply chain management , Sentiment analysis , Business analytics , Sales & operations planning
In: Proceedings of the 27th Australia New Zealand Academy of Management (ANZAM) Conference 2013, Hobart, Tasmania (Australia).
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