Geometric Implications of Photodiode Arrays on Received Power Distribution in Mobile Underwater Optical Wireless Communication

Govinda Waduge, Tharuka
Seet, Boon-Chong
Vopel, Kay
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Journal Article
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Underwater optical wireless communication (UOWC) has gained interest in recent years with the introduction of autonomous and remotely operated mobile systems in blue economic ventures such as offshore food production and energy generation. Here, we devised a model for estimating the received power distribution of diffused line-of-sight mobile optical links, accommodating irregular intensity distributions beyond the beam-spread angle of the emitter. We then used this model to conduct a spatial analysis investigating the parametric influence of the placement, orientation, and angular spread of photodiodes in array-based receivers on the mobile UOWC links in different Jerlov seawater types. It revealed that flat arrays were best for links where strict alignment could be maintained, whereas curved arrays performed better spatially but were not always optimal. Furthermore, utilizing two or more spectrally distinct wavelengths and more bandwidth-efficient modulation may be preferred for received-signal intensity-based localization and improving link range in clearer oceans, respectively. Considering the geometric implications of the array of receiver photodiodes for mobile UOWCs, we recommend the use of dynamically shape-shifting array geometries.

0301 Analytical Chemistry , 0502 Environmental Science and Management , 0602 Ecology , 0805 Distributed Computing , 0906 Electrical and Electronic Engineering , Analytical Chemistry , 3103 Ecology , 4008 Electrical engineering , 4009 Electronics, sensors and digital hardware , 4104 Environmental management , 4606 Distributed computing and systems software
Sensors, ISSN: 1424-8220 (Online), MDPI AG, 24(11), 3490-3490. doi: 10.3390/s24113490
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