Detection of Adulteration in Red Meat Species Using Hyperspectral Imaging

Al-Sarayreh, M
Reis, M
Yan, W-Q
Klette, R
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This paper reports the performance of hyperspectral imaging for detecting the adulteration in red-meat species. Line-scanning images are acquired from muscles of lamb, beef, or pork. We consider the states of fresh, frozen, or thawed meat. For each case, packing and unpacking the sample with a transparent bag is considered and evaluated. Meat muscles are defined either as a class of lamb, or as a class of beef or pork. For visualization purposes, fat regions are also considered. We investigate raw spectral features, normalized spectral features, and a combination of spectral and spatial features by using texture properties. Results show that adding texture features to normalized spectral features achieves the best performance, with a 92.8% overall classification accuracy independently of the state of the products. The resulting model provides a high and balanced sensitivity for all classes at all meat stages. The resulting model yields 94% and 90% average sensitivities for detecting lamb or the other meat type, respectively. This paper shows that hyperspectral imaging analysis provides a rapid, reliable, and non-destructive method for detecting the adulteration in red-meat products.

Hyperspectral imaging; Spectral-spatial features; Meat classification; Meat processing; Adulteration detection
Image and Video Technology. PSIVT 2017. Lecture Notes in Computer Science, vol 10749. Springer, Cham
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