TQM, TPM, TOC, Lean and Six Sigma - evolution of manufacturing methodologies under the paradigm shift from Taylorism/Fordism to Toyotism
TQM, TPM, TOC, Lean and Six Sigma - evolution of manufacturing methodologies under the paradigm shift from Taylorism/Fordism to Toyotism
Stamm, ML
Neitzert, T
Singh, DPK
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Conference Contribution
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AUT University
The evolution of manufacturing methodologies is explored based on a historic analysis of the automobile industry. The objective of this paper is to contribute to a clearer understanding of the evolution of these manufacturing methodologies.
The inherent historic driver and social needs are presented and the existence of a ‘paradigm shift’ from Fordism to Toyotism is discussed. The authors believe that sustainability and its inherent axiom of gentle and prudent usage of our remaining resources as the dominant constraint will coin the future role of operations research and management.
Paradigm , Lean production , Theory of constraints
16th International Annual EurOMA Conference, Gothenburg, Sweden, 2009-06-14 - 2009-06-17
Publisher's version
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