Te Kupenga - A Woven Methodology for Collecting, Interpreting, and Stor(y)ing Māori Women’s Knowledges

Heke, Deborah
Item type
Journal Article
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Ngā Pae o te Māramatanga

This article explores the use of an intersecting methodology termed Te Kupenga as a philosophical approach to gathering, interpreting, and storing mātauranga wahine. The research aimed to understand the ways of being and doing of physically active wāhine Māori and relate them to characteristics of atua wāhine. A kupenga is a type of open weave net used for fishing or gathering food. In this research, it represents the weaving together of three approaches: Whakapapa, Mana Wahine theory, and physical activity. While each offers a unique way to view the world and your position in it, their intersections offer important shared qualities that purposefully shape the research, its philosophy, and its methods. As a type of interfacing methodology, Te Kupenga weaves together philosophies and methods—keeping what is needed and allowing what is not required to pass through the gaps in the weave.

1608 Sociology , 1699 Other Studies in Human Society , 45 Indigenous studies
MAI Journal, ISSN: 2230-6862 (Print); 2230-6862 (Online), 12(2), 205-216. doi: 10.20507/MAIJournal.2023.12.2.4
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© 2020 MAI Journal. MAI Journal is an open access journal that publishes multidisciplinary peer-reviewed articles that critically analyse and address Indigenous and Pacific issues in the context of Aotearoa New Zealand.