Emerging Trends for Global DevOps: A New Zealand Perspective

Hussain, W
Clear, T
MacDonell, S
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The DevOps phenomenon is gaining popularity through its ability to support continuous value delivery and ready accommodation of change. However, given the relative immaturity and general confusion about DevOps, a common view of expectations from a DevOps role is lacking. Through investigation of online job advertisements, combined with interviews, we identified key Knowledge Areas, Skills and Capabilities for a DevOps role and their relative importance in New Zealand's job market. Our analysis also revealed the global dimensions and the emerging nature of the DevOps role in GSE projects. This research adds a small advanced economy (New Zealand) perspective to the literature on DevOps job advertisements and should be of value to employers, job seekers, researchers as well educators and policy makers.

GSD; GSE; DevOps; Continuous Integration; Continuous Deployment; Education; Empirical, Analysis; Online Job Postings Analysis; Content Analysis’ Cloud; AWS
In Proceedings of the 12th International Conference on Global Software Engineering (pp. 21-30). IEEE Press.
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