Modular sensor nodes for environmental data monitoring

Ghobakhlou, A
Perera, A
Sallis, P
Zandi, S
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Conference Contribution
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Massey University

A framework for modular wireless sensor networks (WSN) designed to capture and monitor micro-climates in a crop field. WSN is rapidly improving in automotive industry, agricultural, industrial and environmental monitoring and many other areas. Moulder architecture minimises the software upgrade down time and enables hardware reusability. Recent developments and advances in wireless technology as well as affordability give rise to this emerging field in the realm of Precision Agriculture (PA). Vineyard monitoring is an emerging application field in PA.

Wireless networks , Modular sensor node , Precision agriculture and environmental monitoring
Fourth International Conference on Sensing Technology, Lecce, Italy, June 3 to 5, 2010, pages 372 - 377
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