Rapua te kurahuna: An Occupational Perspective of Internalised Oppression

Emery-Whittington, Isla
Davis, Georgina
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Journal Article
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SAGE Publications

Internalised oppression can be tricky to recognise and hard to talk about. Described as the most devastating kind of racism, it remains poorly researched and understood. Nuanced and expansive ways of understanding internalised oppression are necessary for the work of being recognised and seeing each other as fully human. For many complex reasons, internalised oppression can be performed by targets of oppression in service of white supremacy, turning Indigenous spaces into new foci for racism via everyday occupations. This article outlines our critical examinations and steps to grapple with internalised oppression as Indigenous occupational therapists who observe how racism is transmitted in daily tasks of life. Steps include growing critical consciousness, developing a relational ethic of manaaki (to support, take care of, and give hospitality) and building community to support recognition and healing from internalised oppression. We call for the development of a critical ally workforce in solidarity with the racially targeted.

47 Language, Communication and Culture , 4702 Cultural Studies , 2002 Cultural Studies , 4702 Cultural studies
AlterNative: An International Journal of Indigenous Peoples, ISSN: 1177-1801 (Print); 1174-1740 (Online), SAGE Publications, 19(4), 762-770. doi: 10.1177/11771801231206209
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