The importance of ePortfolios: teaching graphic design through an ePortfolio environment both in and out of the classroom environment

Sinfield, D
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Graphic design continues to be a growing area within education and mainstream industry, especially in emerging economies of third world countries. The trends within these third world countries, both at education and industry levels, are somewhat lacking from a creative 'thinking and doing' prospective, but do prosper from the use of new technology investment from an industry and government level. Whilst here in New Zealand we have the creative teaching ability and excellent industry knowledge, but we su er from the investment in technologies that other countries have to o er to their students. Working with CfLAT at AUT (Centre for Learning and Teaching, Auckland University of Technology) and the investment made, I see this as a fantastic opportunity for our department to engage in these technologies and o er our ndings back into the curriculum thus making the department much more knowledgeable in this area and making our students more prepared in their future careers.

ePIC Evidence Based Learning (ePortfolio and Identity Conference) held at University of Greenwich, Greenwich, London UK, 2014-07-09 to 2014-07-11
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