The Global Filipino Nurse: An Integrative Review of Filipino Nurses' Work Experiences

Montayre, J
Montayre, J
Holroyd, E
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Journal Article
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AIM: To understand the work-related experiences of Philippine-trained nurses working globally.

BACKGROUND: The Philippines is a major source country of foreign-trained nurses located globally. However, there is paucity of research on professional factors and career related issues affecting foreign-trained nurses' work experiences.

METHODS: An integrative review through a comprehensive search of literature was undertaken from November 2015 and was repeated in August 2016. Seven articles satisfied the selection criteria.

RESULTS: Filipino nurses experienced differences in the practice of nursing in terms of work process, roles and autonomy. Moreover, they encountered challenges such as work-related discrimination and technical difficulties within the organisation.

CONCLUSION: A clear understanding of Filipino nurses' work experiences and the challenges they have encountered suggests identification of important constructs influencing effective translation of nursing practice across cultures and health systems, which then form the basis for support strategies.

IMPLICATION FOR NURSING MANAGEMENT: It is critical to recognize foreign-trained nurses' experience of work-related differences and challenges as these foster favorable conditions for the management team to plan and continually evaluate policies around recruitment, retention and support offered to these nurses. Furthermore, findings suggest internationalization of nursing framework and standards integrating a transcultural paradigm among staff members within a work organisation.

Filipino nurses , Global nurse migration , Integrative review , Work experiences
Journal of Nursing Management. 2018; 26: 338– 347.
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