Transitional spaces - a cultural conversation about place
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The intention of this practice based research project is to investigate notions of transitional space through the discovery and utilisation of found and sourced materials and sites, on the island of Rarotonga in the Cook Islands. The aim is to explore issues related to transitional space through perspectives developed using conversation as a methodology informed by the practice of bricolage. This exploration incorporates a range of themes but focuses around a conversational narrative relating to social and cultural transitions on this island, as a result of the introduction of Christianity by the missionaries from the London Missionary Society in 1827. Practice based work has been undertaken in response to site-specific places and situations that have developed like responses in a conversation. The aim of these responses is to create an awareness of the changes that have resulted through the conjuncture of Maori and European cultures from the nineteenth century. This project is comprised of 80% practical work and will be accompanied by an exegesis with a value of 20%.