
Carthew, Richard
Joseph, Frances
Antonczak, Laurent
Item type
Degree name
Master of Art and Design
Journal Title
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Volume Title
Auckland University of Technology

Abstract This project is concerned with visual representation of human gross anatomy*. The subject is complex because it derives from an intersection of artistic and scientific disciplines and is an active field of research. The overall aim of the project is to open up new ways of interpretation when engaging with complex visual representations of anatomy. The project involves a consideration of the methods and models in which the communication of visually complex information is achieved by using a combination of artistic and scientific representation. It explores methods and techniques used in the creation of visualisations that are intended to convey scientific knowledge. Literature and visual reviews were undertaken and these examined research material which informed the project's exploration. These reviews included texts that studied the historical development of anatomic representation and also contemporary visual material. Elements of cognition and perception and their relationship to visual communication were reviewed and considered in relation to the project's practical work. Wider socio-cultural contexts that affect pictorial style in anatomic representation were also reviewed and some relevant contexts are discussed within the exegesis. Practical exploration included developing models of anatomy that combined elements from artistic and scientific approaches. For example, in some explorative work, the fine detail of traditional anatomic representation formed one section of a model and this was allied with another section that used a more scientific approach to isolate key structures by illumination. The exegesis concludes with a summary of the project, conclusions arising from the research and an indication of potential areas for further study. * For conciseness, all further references within the exegesis to anatomy and anatomic representation refer to human gross anatomy unless otherwise stated.

Anatomy and representation , Art and science , Technology , Medical illustration , Perception , Computer mediated communication
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