Hyperrealism – The Influence of Changing Technologies on Architectural Rendering

Jackson, Lee
Marks, Stefan
Burgess, Andrew
Item type
Degree name
Masters of Creative Technologies
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Auckland University of Technology

Hyperrealism is a concept that has evolved from paintings depicting real life portraits to digitally created content. Various industries are employing hyper-realistic techniques, however, the focus of this research will be on the architecture and architectural rendering fields due to the work being created. With an increase of hyperreal advertisements coming from these fields, enabled by the rapid development of computer graphic technology and hardware that is used to produce these images, there has to date been very little scholarly research into how hyperreal images are being produced and the effects that these images can have on consumers.

The ability to create hyper-realistic images can deceive and/or create unrealistic expectations, and some renders are even starting to breach various marketing and advertising laws through false advertising. Are architecture firms aware of these factors that can be produced with hyperreal renders or are they just a by-product of the advances that have happened with the technology used to produce their renders?

This thesis explores the history, concept and definition of hyperrealism and the potential effects that hyperreal imagery can have. This thesis also describes the steps necessary to produce hyper-realistic architectural images to inform future students, artists, and creatives looking to create photoreal and hyperreal environments. This thesis will also look at existing architecture firms in New Zealand and examine the images they are using to promote their practices online to determine if they contain hyperreal elements and how the respective companies are promoting their images.

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