The Journey of a Migrant in the Hospitality Industry

Anand, Pranita
Harris, Candice
Myers, Barbara
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Master of Business
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Auckland University of Technology

People move for different reasons which affect the overall migration process. The conditions under which a migrant enters and their experiences in a host country can have broad implications for multiple stakeholders but the most impacted are the migrants themselves. This research aims to explore the journey of a migrant into hospitality employment in New Zealand. Adopting qualitative interpretive methodology, this research is conducted by critically reviewing academic literature, Government, Non- Government Organisations (NGO’s), and industry reports on why people migrate, what job opportunities are available for migrants in foreign countries and why employers chose to hire migrant workers in the hospitality industry. Using thematic analysis, a conceptual framework developed which is split into two categories addressing two main questions of this research; motivations for an individual to migrate and experiences of migrant hospitality workers. Factors that motivate a migrant to migrate are further categorised into macro and micro factors. Using a similar approach, key factors that influence a migrant’s work experience are further categorised into its key themes being government, individual family, and organisation. The findings of this research contribute to the Government (help in designing policies or making changes to an existing one concerning migration), employers (to provide a mutually beneficial environment for employers and employees), and to potential individual migrants who may be considering migration (so that they can make an informed decision before migrating). However, there are two key limitations in this research where the research drawn on relates to a pre-Covid Pandemic national and industry context. Secondly, the research does not offer an in-depth understanding of the culture of hospitality organisations and its impact on a migrant’s journey.

Migrant , Hospitality , Micro and macro , Motivations , Employment in New Zealand
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