Finding a closest match between wi-fi propagation measurements and models

Soorty, B
Sarkar, NI
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In a series of papers by Sarkar and his team conducted radio propagation measurements to study the performance of Wi-Fi in terms of received signal strengths (RSS) in an obstructed office block. The goal of this paper is to find a closest match between the results obtained from propagation measurements and the theoretical models. The RSS measurement results are compared with the four selected propagation models (Free-space, Two-ray ground reflection, Shadowing path loss, and the overall Shadowing models). These models were selected based on their popularity and relevance to our study. Results obtained show that the overall shadowing model is the best-fit followed by the path loss Shadowing. We found about 94% and 99% matching with RSS measurement results for non-LOS and NLOS conditions, respectively. The analysis and research findings reported in this paper provide some insights into the deployment of indoor wireless systems.

Radio propagation measurements; Models; Freespace; Path loss shadowing; Overall shadowing model
Published in 2015 2nd Asia-Pacific World Congress on Computer Science and Engineering (APWC on CSE)
Publisher's version
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