Design of Continuously Tunable Low Noise Amplifier for Multiband Radio
Design of Continuously Tunable Low Noise Amplifier for Multiband Radio
Aneja, A
Li, XJ
Li, BE
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Conference Contribution
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This paper presents the design of continuously tunable low noise amplifier with frequency tuning range from 2.2 to 2.8 GHz. The amplifier achieves input matching and tunability through a transformer based input matching network. The proposed circuit uses an inductively degenerated common source cascode amplifier to design the amplification stage. The circuit includes a phase shifter circuit to shift the phase of the input signal to achieve tunability through transformer. The LNA achieves a maximum gain of more than 17dB in the entire tuning range. The LNA attains a perfect impedance match across the tuning range and has a stable operation. In addition, it achieves a low noise figure ranging from 1.4dB to 5.2dB.
Software defined radio; Tunable; Impedance Transformer; Phase shifter; Low noise amplifier
2017 Mediterranean Microwave Symposium (MMS), Marseille, 2017, pp. 1-4. doi: 10.1109/MMS.2017.8497156
Publisher's version
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