A scalable approach for re-configuring evolving industrial control systems

Sinha, R
Johnson, K
Calinescu, R
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We present a scalable approach to automatically re-configure evolving IEC 61499 systems for deployment onto an available set of resources. We capture system architecture and high-level configuration requirements formally, and use an efficient SMT-based constraint resolution to generate a valid system configuration. Any changes in the system architecture, configuration requirements, or resources are automatically translated into a minimal set of updated constraints, allowing a faster reconfiguration as compared to a monolithic approach where the whole system is re-configured. We show the feasibility of our approach by studying an airport baggage handling system developed using the IEC 61499 standard.

IEC standards , Computer architecture , Constraint handling , Industrial control , IEC 61499 systems , SMT-based constraint resolution , Airport baggage handling system , Industrial control systems , Monolithic approach , System architecture , Airports , Computational modeling , Computer architecture , IEC standards , Reactive power , Sensors
Emerging Technology and Factory Automation (ETFA), 2014 IEEE , vol., no., pp.1,8, doi: 10.1109/ETFA.2014.7005126
Publisher's version
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