Sport and indigenous development: an indigenous health promotion perspective

Ngawati, Renei
Raeburn, John
Wilson, Denise
Item type
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Master of Public Health
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Auckland University of Technology

This research thesis investigates the factors for Indigenous development through sport participation and achievement. The focus of this research is from a health promotion perspective, where Indigenous development is investigated as a determinant of overall health and wellbeing of Indigenous peoples. To investigate the factors of Indigenous development through sport, eight Indigenous Sports Organisations across New Zealand, Australia, Canada and The United States of America are interviewed about their perspective and implementation of the determined factors through their organizational structure and function. The literature review attempted to draw together the main factors of Indigenous development both outside and within the sport sector.

Indigenous research methodologies are utilised, including the principles of Kaupapa Māori Research methods. This research has shown what the key factors are for Indigenous development, and how they are informed by the unique structure and function of Indigenous sports organisations. The main factors within the Indigenous sporting organisation structures are the health and wellbeing of their tribal communities through community development principles (including tribal), cultural values, and sporting success. The research clearly shows that sport is a valuable tool for Indigenous health development. Recommendations of the study are that more focused research is done, particularly in the area of achieving organizational objectives focusing on the advancements of their Indigenous communities.

Indigenous , Māori , Sport , Māori development , Health promotion , Indigenous knowledge , Community development , Sport governance , New Zealand
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