Performance of a V-trough photovoltaic/thermal concentrator

Künnemeyer, R
Anderson, TN
Duke, M
Carson, JK
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Journal Article
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The idea of concentrating solar energy to increase the output of photovoltaic and solar thermal collectors is an area that has received significant attention. In this study, a design model for a V-trough concentrating photovoltaic/thermal solar collector was theoretically analysed and validated with experimental data.

The results showed that the V-trough offered improved electrical yields from both concentrating radiation onto the photovoltaic cells and also by actively cooling them. Also, it was shown that the V-trough could be made of a durable (long life) stainless steel, rather than the more reflective aluminium, while still offering a 25% increase in incident radiation over a typical year. However it was noted that modifications would be needed to improve cooling and to increase the thermal efficiency by reducing heat losses.

Concentrator , Photovoltaic/thermal , V-trough
Solar Energy, vol.101, pp.19 - 27
Publisher's version
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