Love of teaching: reflections of what it means to be an effective Pasifika ECE lecturer

Utumapu-McBride, T
Item type
Chapter in Book
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AUT University

This paper is based on my reflections of an effective Pasifika Early Childhood Education (ECE) lecturer (as a result of my own personal journey and insights, e.g. my career change from that of a Learning Development Lecturer) and also through a literature review. The Auckland University of Technology's (AUT) academic promotion evaluations clearly stipulates in the criteria the characteristics of an effective lecturer as being someone who is approachable; organised and well prepared; communicates effectively; enthusiasm helps students to learn; helps students learn by using explanations and practical examples; effectively uses subject knowledge to guide students' learning; assess understanding when teaching and gives constructive feedback about students' progress; seeks and responds to feedback from students; clearly communicates assessment requirements; treats students with respect; creates a positive learning environment for students; helps students to take responsibility for their own learning; and lastly is seen as a highly effective teacher.

Communication , Feedback , Effective , Cultural capital , Template
In: Critiquing Pasifika Education Conference @ the University: Conference Proceedings - 4th Biennial Conference 2013. Edited by Kepa, MManu'atu, LUtumapu-McBride, T.
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