Design methods toolbox: supporting self-directed learning through innovative teaching and learning resources

Withell, A
Reay, S
Diegel, O
Item type
Conference Contribution
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AUT University

This paper presents a resource developed as part of an innovative teaching and learning project aimed at developing, facilitating and supporting student-directed learning in the Product Design programme at AUT University, Auckland New Zealand. The paper outlines and discusses the background, development and implementation of the Design Methods Toolbox, an innovative Adobe Flash/PDF based teaching and learning resource. The Design Methods Toolbox provides students with a readily accessible resource containing a conceptual model of the design process, and design methods that are core to the pedagogy of the Product Design studio programme. The resource becomes a „gateway‟ for students to better understand and further explore the design process and associated design methods. Each method provides an introduction, a step by step rundown, best practice examples (including video), and links to other methods and related resources. The paper also outlines the evaluation process and the next steps for further development, enhancement and publication.

Student-directed learning , Design process , Design methods
DesignEd Asia 2010, Hong Kong
Rights statement
DesignEd Asia Conference 2010 - Conference Proceedings, 2010. © 2010, Hong Kong Design Centre.