Beyond Lewis Road: A Memoir of Grief and Solace
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This research considers the communicative abilities of pop-up interactivity in an illustrative memoir of grief and solace. The memoir explores the complex experience of grief through an autoethnographic lens, employing a non-linear structure and narrative techniques in an attempt to emulate the fragmented nature of memory after trauma. Beyond Lewis Road traverses the journey following a loved one’s cancer diagnosis, aggressive metastasis and death.
Through an exploration of theory and practice utilising Wortman and Silvers’ myths of coping with loss (1989) and Maddrell’s view on grief and bereavement as being “experienced and marked in space and time"(2010), the practice allows for examination of a significant place, the family home once deemed a joy and comfort, thereupon tainted by loss and sorrow. The work explores how the interactive and tactile qualities of pop-up can pull readers into a significant space, sharing memories and leaving an impression on people who may or may not have experienced grief themselves.