Image Object Action: Building Paintings With Digital Logic

Potenger, Amy Nicole
Meyle, Lucy
Shin, Jeena
Item type
Degree name
Master of Visual Arts
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Auckland University of Technology

Object, Image, Action – building paintings with digital logic is a practice-based project focused on the collection, categorisation, storage and combination of objects, images and actions. These assembled parts comprise a digital and non-digital database which uses structured and unstructured ways to generate layered paintings. The form, aesthetics, and poetics of the database manifest in my project and are explored for their art-making potential. Sited within the context of post-analogue painting, this project considers the effects of our increasingly digital world on both the paintings I make, and the way they are received. Using digital methods more than digital tools, I work between and across digital and non-digital workspaces, considering the interaction, constraints, and similarities that exist between them. Influenced by my digital workflow, I use modular layers, holes and transparency to construct, deconstruct and reconstruct paintings, creating the conditions for movement and unpredictability in image-making. I investigate how, through repetition over time, my actions turn into images and objects, subsequently driving new conceptual and formal interests. Strategies of imitation and replication amass and converge to form new outputs, the research motivated by what occurs when the expected makes way for the unexpected.

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