The Promotional Effects of TikTok (Douyin) Video Attributes on Airbnb Consumers in China

Wang, Xinrao
Kim, Chloe S.
Kim, Peter B.
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Master of International Hospitality Management
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Auckland University of Technology

Since its launch in 2017, TikTok, has become a highly influential content platform transforming the way in which short videos are exchanged and consumed within the realm of social media. Today the role of TikTok has expanded beyond solely entertainment purposes to provide consumers with more ways to access information and brands with new marketing tools. Within the hospitality industry, TikTok has provided potential travellers with new video footage of accommodation options. For example, Airbnb customers are now able to acquire information about Airbnb accommodation booking options through TikTok videos. Young people are highly receptive to new things, and they tend to use mobile Internet terminals to make travel consumption decisions, while TikTok videos have become increasingly attractive to network users due to their strong sensory effects and novel forms, it has become one of the network application forms that arouse highly attention of netizens. Therefore, this study examines whether TikTok short videos posted by previous guests or hosts have a stronger impact on potential Airbnb customers' booking intentions. To explore the promotional effect of the two chosen video types, a scenario-based experimental study was conducted. The findings of this study reveal that videos posted by Airbnb hosts have a stronger impact than videos posted by previous guests. The findings of this study uncover new insight on the differing impact of TikTok videos to provide practical suggestions for practitioners in the accommodation industry and especially Airbnb hosts to better manage their hotels and Airbnb homes.

Short video , TikTok , Video attributes , Source of information , Douyin
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