He Whare Ako, He Whare Hangarau - A House of Learning, a House of Technologies: Interweaving Kaupapa Māori Values of Ako With Mobile Learning Theory and Practice

Aguayo, C
Sciascia, AD
Item type
Conference Contribution
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Tertiary Education Research in New Zealand (TERNZ)

Mobile tools and devices, such as smartphones and tablets, not only are rapidly becoming an ubiquitous feature of contemporary society, but also are transforming pedagogical practices, learning strategies, and institutional structures. As part of the National Project Fund (2014) Learners and Mobile Devices Ako Aotearoa project (#NPF14LMD project), 'He Whare Ako, He Whare Hangarau (a house of learning, a house of technologies)' framework has been developed and weaves Kaupapa Māori theories, values and approaches to teaching and learning (ako) with mobile learning theory and practice. We have conceptualised this framework into the visual of a wharenui (traditional meeting house) depicting the relationship and parallels between ako and mobile learning, while engaging with a range of pedagogies that are culturally responsive and open to the possibilities (i.e. 'affordances') of digital technologies. This framework is a values-based approach to understanding the role of mobile devices in the process of ako and is uniquely underpinned with Kaupapa Māori philosophies and values.

TERNZ 2015 Conference, Auckland University of Technology, New Zealand. 25 - 27 November.
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