Me, myself and I: An artist exploration of notions of identity

Heiford, Dana
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Master of Arts (Art and Design)
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Auckland University of Technology

This project will explore through practical art means the way notions of identity are constructed by the individual. Using myself as subject matter I will explore the multiple aspects and fluid relations which constitute a sense of me, myself and I with a particular focus on sexuality. The intention is to raise issues and questions and to manifest new relations using the medium of art as a flexible vehicle for juxtaposing and testing complex interrelationships of ideas. Psychological and sociological contexts will be addressed and the relationship between these and my own sensibilities will be explored. The research approach will be to investigate notions of identity and explore the possibility of multiple personal narratives. It will explore the unique identity of the artist, that is, of the individual perspective of an artist instead of a theorist. To emphasise the central themes of my research I will take a multi-angled approach to methodology, working simultaneously on several responses to the research question. The practical project will be explored through various different visual media with the range of styles and approaches further developing the idea of a decentred self. This accompanying exegesis will discuss the methodological approach taken, as well as issues and contexts surrounding the project.

Identity (Psychology) in art , Art , Psychology in art , Psychology
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