Potential Barriers Students Face When Completing a Tertiary Qualification: The Lived Experiences of a Particular Minority Community Studying at a Western University

Ali, I
Narayan, A
Item type
Conference Contribution
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Global Research and Development Services (GRDS)

Globally, there is growing focus by governments and tertiary education institutions to increase the participation, retention and success rates of students from disadvantaged communities. Concerted efforts are being made to ensure the disadvantaged students gain tertiary qualifications and join various professions where they are under-represented. However, despite various government and university initiatives, students from disadvantaged communities are still facing numerous barriers that is impacting on their participation and completion of a university qualification. This study investigates potential learning barriers through the lived experiences of students from a particular minority group. The objective of the study is to propose strategies that will enhance students’ success and completion rates of university qualifications. The study recognises that student perceptions through their lived experiences are beneficial to educators. Hence, data was collected via a survey questionnaire and focus group meetings. This research has the potential to make a significant contribution to the design and implementation of actionable strategies to help achieve better outcomes for the minority grouping of students struggling to complete a university qualification. It is anticipated that this research will help implement teaching and learning strategies that positively impacts students’ participation and completion of a university qualification. This will in turn help inform government tertiary education policy for the benefit of the wider community.

Culturally responsive pedagogy; Learning barriers; Lived experiences; Student centred learning
9th International Conference on Teaching, Education and Learning held at Asian Institute of Technology (AIT), Bangkok, Thailand, 2015-12-19 to 2015-12-20
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