An Approach for Coverage Path Planning for UAVs

Li, X. J.
Nam, L.H.; Huang, L.; Xu, J. F.
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In this paper, an offline flight planner that computes an efficient coverage trajectory for a quad-rotors UAV is presented. The planner consists of three steps: mission definition, automatic path planning and trajectory generation. The proposed planner, as a useful tool, allows an UAV operator to easily define and generate a coverage trajectory for any specific task. The resultant trajectory can be dispatched to a quad-rotors with trajectory tracking controller for the missions that require a complete area coverage.

Coverage trajectory planning; Aerial robots; Quadrotors
Published in: Advanced Motion Control (AMC), 2016 IEEE 14th International Workshop, 22-24 April 2016, doi: 10.1109/AMC.2016.749638
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