Student Learning Centre

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AUT's Student Learning Centre provides free academic support to help you excel and achieve better grades. If you are struggling with an assignment, essay or paper we offer a range of resources on essay writing, referencing, time management, exam preparation and how to study effectively. We also hold free workshops throughout the year to help you achieve the best possible grades.


Recent Submissions

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    How does “Fun at Work” work for Learning Advisors in Aotearoa-New Zealand?
    (Association of Tertiary Learning Advisors of Aotearoa New Zealand (ATLAANZ), 2015-12-27) Owler, K; Morrison, RL
    Job satisfaction and motivation are vital to ensuring productivity and business success. As part of enhancing student success in a fast changing world, it is necessary for Tertiary Learning Advisors (TLAs) to be motivated and have fun at work. This paper draws on Herzberg’s (1966) two-factor theory of worker motivation to explore factors contributing to dissatisfaction and motivation for TLAs in Aotearoa/New Zealand. In Herzberg’s model, the absence of “hygiene” factors leads to dissatisfaction for workers, whereas the presence of “satisfiers” result in satisfaction or motivation. We conducted a textual analysis of three volumes of ATLAANZ conference proceedings in order to identify the main hygiene and motivation factors experienced by TLAs in Aotearoa/New Zealand. Hygiene factors included security and status stemming from the “neo-liberal” reforms taking place in learning institutions. Satisfiers included growth, relationship with peers and the work itself. Findings should assist management in seeking to maximise opportunities for TLA satisfaction, while aiming to moderate the strain of institutional change. Individual TLAs may also find it useful to know what others find motivating and fun, incorporating these strategies into their own work-life.
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    Connecting or constructing academic literacies on Facebook
    (2015-11-29) Bassett, Mark
    This paper outlines proposed doctoral research into how postgraduate students develop academic literacies within the bounds of learning theories and Web 2.0 tools that their lecturers select. Lea and Street’s (1998) academic literacies approach, which views literacies as contested social practices, forms the overarching view of literacy in this research. Over one semester, multiple case studies of postgraduate students will be conducted as they complete a paper within their subject of study. Students will use a private Facebook community to complete learning tasks and engage in student initiated discussions. The learning tasks will provide opportunities to examine the student experience of both the constructivist and connectivist paradigms. The aim is to further understanding of the student experience that can inform the creation of sound, theory driven Web 2.0-based learning tasks that effectively assist students in the development of their academic literacies. Feedback on the proposed research is sought from the Ascilite community.
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    Mobile realities and dreams: are students and teachers dreaming alone or together?
    (ASCILITE, 2013) Bassett, Mark; Kelly, Oriel
    The use of mobile technologies and social media for teaching and learning signals the potential for ontological shifts in learning and teaching, redefining the roles of both students and lecturers. Understanding tertiary student perspectives on how they use wireless mobile devices for learning is crucial if their lecturers are to make informed evaluative decisions about how they use those same devices in their teaching. Lecturers require professional development in using mobile technologies in teaching, and institutions face challenges with infrastructure. This paper outlines a research proposal for exploring tertiary student use of wireless mobile devices for learning and the relationship of that to lecturer and institutional readiness in a blended learning environment. Cochrane’s (2012) six critical success factors for transforming pedagogy with mobile Web 2.0 and Puentedura’s (2012) SAMR model of technology adoption will be used as evaluative frameworks.
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    Evaluating the effectiveness of student-centred assessment in an undergraduate programme
    (Higher Education Research and Development Society of Australasia Inc (HERDSA), 2015-11-27) Walters, S; Nikolai, J; Silva, P; Broederlow, L
    The aim of this session is to discuss the preliminary findings of a research involving enabling students to design their own assessments, and its implications on the teaching and learning environment.
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    Playing with Lego: constructing modular interactive digital learning resources
    (Students,Transitions, Achievement, Retention & Success (STARS), 2015-07-02) Silva, P
    The development of innovative digital interactive learning resources to develop academic literacies has been a key driver of the Auckland University of Technology Student Learning Centre. This pilot project derived from both a student and staff identified gap. Thus, the Student Learning Centre decided to support the development of staff lead research that would contribute to the identification, discussion and proposal of new and innovative approaches to support students in this area. This paper outlines a pilot project to create a series of digital, modular and interactive learning resources aimed at developing academic literacies. The presentation of this new idea at a conference will allow a valuable opportunity to collect feedback before the project is implemented.
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