Transformative learning and teaching through inclusiveness, power-sharing and critical enquiry

U-Mackey, A
Hayward, M
Item type
Conference Contribution
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Queen's University, Kingston, Ontario, Canada

Learner diversity has become the norm in many academic learning environments internationally. This has been accompanied by increased recognition and prominence of intercultural learning and teaching. All learners bring with them individual cultural experiences and skills which, if acknowledged and enhanced, can lead to successful further learning, as well as more culturally competent communities. The provision of opportunities in the formal learning environment that enable individuals to engage in meaningful interactions which foster awareness and encourage comparisons of experiences can lead to positive and transformative outcomes.

This presentation describes the development and implementation of an intercultural education program model designed to enhance the settlement process for newcomers. It also includes discussions on teacher attributes and skills that are required for implementing the program. Preliminary findings from the research highlight the importance of incorporating teacher-learner as well as learner-learner interactions within an environment of inclusiveness, power-sharing and critical enquiry. The pedagogical approach and flexible features of this intercultural education program model can be effectively adapted for different learning and teaching programs to suit learners at a range of levels and needs. The presentation concludes with recommendations and suggestions for similar intercultural education programs and further research.

STLHE 2014 - Transforming our learning experiences conference. held at Queen's University, Kingston, Ontario, Canada.2014-06-17 to 2014-06-20
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