Understanding Stretch Shortening Cycle Ability in Youth

Sahrom, SB
Cronin, JB
Harris, NK
Item type
Journal Article
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Lippincott, Williams & Wilkins (LWW)

Extensive research has investigated stretch-shorten cycle (SSC) performance in adults, however to date, only a few studies have investigated SSC ability in youths. Youths undergoing puberty experience many physiological changes, which include changes to neuromuscular and musculotendinous systems. To understand the possible differences in SSC ability, this review will: 1) briefly discuss maturation (biological vs. chronological), 2) discuss the contribution of the active and passive components to SSC ability and how these components may change with maturation; and, 3) review literature that has quantified SSC ability across maturation via comparison of countermovement and squat jump performance.

Stretch shorten cycle , Youth , Maturation , SSC potentiation , Countermovement jump , Squat jump
Strength and Conditioning Journal, vol.35(3), pp.77 - 88
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