Applying soft systems methodology to multimedia systems requirements analysis

Butt, DZ
Fletcher, T
MacDonell, SG
Norris, BE
Wong, WBL
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Conference Contribution
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AUT University

The Soft Systems Methodology (SSM) was used to identify requirements for the development of one or more information systems for a local company. The outcome of using this methodology was the development of three multimedia information systems. This paper discusses the use of the SSM when developing for multimedia environments. Namely, this paper covers the problems with traditional methods of requirements analysis (which the SSM addresses), how the SSM can he used to elicit multimedia information system requirements, and our personal experience of the method. Our personal experience is discussed in terms of the systems we developed using the SSM.

Multimedia information systems , Soft Systems methodology , Systems development life cycle
Proceedings of the International Conference on Multimedia Technology and Management (ICMTM'96), Hong Kong, pages 181 - 190
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