The Satisfaction of Women’s Orgasms: Women’s Orgasmic Pleasure and Relationship Satisfaction in Aotearoa/New Zealand

Janssen, Alexandra Kate
Csako, Rita
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Bachelor of Health Science (Honours)
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Auckland University of Technology

Orgasms have become the symbol of successful sex in modern society. It is common knowledge that women’s orgasms can be elusive in heterosexual partnered sex. To ascertain the impact of this disparity and better understand women’s sexuality for clinical application, this study will explore the relationship between women’s orgasms and their relationship satisfaction. Prior literature suggests that women’s orgasms are important for both their sexual and relationship satisfaction. However, research is still in its infancy and no research to date has been conducted in Aotearoa/New Zealand. This is a cross-sectional study using pre-collected data from an online questionnaire. A stepwise logistic regression model building exercise was run on select orgasm variables (consistency, pleasure, and difficulty) and covariates (age, frequency of sex, and self-rated importance of sex) to determine which variables best predicted sexual relationship satisfaction and relationship satisfaction beyond sexual issues. Notably, more consistent orgasms and more frequent sex were the strongest predictors of sexual relationship satisfaction, whereas greater orgasmic pleasure and more regular difficulty reaching orgasm best explained relationship satisfaction beyond sexual issues. The relationship of orgasmic variables with relationship satisfaction was found to be curvilinear, and satisfaction only increased up to a point. These findings show that women’s orgasms are associated with their relationship satisfaction but highlight that they are not the only important element of sex for women’s satisfaction and that achieving orgasm every time is not necessarily better for women’s relationship satisfaction. This is in line with the new concept in sex therapy promoting “Good Enough Sex.”

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