Nurturing Collaborative Networks of Practice

Cochrane, T
Narayan, V
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In this paper we present the development of a framework for supporting and facilitat- ing collaborative networks of practice using mobile social media. The framework was devel- oped throughout a two-year collaborative mobile learning project #NPF14LMD. The #NPF14LMD project was a national project comprised of three universities and three polytech- nics across New Zealand. One of the goals of the #NPF14LMD project was to create a collabo- rative network of practice across the six institutions participating in the project. The network provided a support and communication structure linking the six institutional communities of practice, enabling sharing of their experiences and a sense of belonging to a wider national and international community. This paper outlines the use of mobile social media to facilitate the #NPF14LMD network.

Mobile learning; Communities of practice; Social media collaboration
In Proceedings of the 15th World Conference on Mobile and Contextual Learning, mLearn 2016, pp. 57-71.
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